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Diaspora Dialogue Exhibition

Diaspora Dialogue Exhibition – Black Art

The Links Arts Opportunities Programme is a community arts project run by artists Sharon Foster and Jacqueline McFarlane.

We are pleased to announce the ‘Diaspora Dialogue’ Exhibition in October 2017.

The exhibition will provide an opportunity for emerging artist of African Caribbean descent to show their work alongside work of more established artist, creating a platform for those who lack the opportunity, knowledge or confidence to give their work exposure.

Where & When?

Winns Gallery Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, London E.17 5.J.W Walthamstow  London

Date start 18.10.2017 10:30
Date end 24.10.2017 17:00


So often, we speak about not having the opportunity to view visual artiste’s work.  In particularly, visual work by Black men and women.  This event provides the opportunity to view emerging artists, work of African Caribbean descent.  What better opportunity therefore, for you to view new artiste’s work and in Black History Month here in the UK, celebrating Black History Seasons all year round.

You have a full week to grab the opportunity to view this exhibition by Sharon & Jacqueline, two very keen Black History Seasons artiste’s.    Go on get down to Walthamstow and view their work.

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